<?php /** * Twenty Twenty Custom CSS * * @package WordPress * @subpackage Twenty_Twenty * @since 1.0.0 */ if ( ! function_exists( 'twentytwenty_generate_css' ) ) { /** * Generate CSS. * * @param string $selector The CSS selector. * @param string $style The CSS style. * @param string $value The CSS value. * @param string $prefix The CSS prefix. * @param string $suffix The CSS suffix. * @param bool $echo Echo the styles. */ function twentytwenty_generate_css( $selector, $style, $value, $prefix = '', $suffix = '', $echo = true ) { $return = ''; /* * Bail early if we have no $selector elements or properties and $value. */ if ( ! $value || ! $selector ) { return; } $return = sprintf( '%s { %s: %s; }', $selector, $style, $prefix . $value . $suffix ); if ( $echo ) { echo $return; //phpcs:ignore WordPress.Security.EscapeOutput.OutputNotEscaped -- We need to double check this, but for now, we want to pass PHPCS ;) } return $return; } } if ( ! function_exists( 'twentytwenty_get_customizer_css' ) ) { /** * Get CSS Built from Customizer Options. * Build CSS reflecting colors, fonts and other options set in the Customizer, and return them for output. * * @param string $type Whether to return CSS for the "front-end", "block-editor" or "classic-editor". */ function twentytwenty_get_customizer_css( $type = 'front-end' ) { // Get variables. $body = sanitize_hex_color( twentytwenty_get_color_for_area( 'content', 'text' ) ); $body_default = '#000000'; $secondary = sanitize_hex_color( twentytwenty_get_color_for_area( 'content', 'secondary' ) ); $secondary_default = '#6d6d6d'; $borders = sanitize_hex_color( twentytwenty_get_color_for_area( 'content', 'borders' ) ); $borders_default = '#dcd7ca'; $accent = sanitize_hex_color( twentytwenty_get_color_for_area( 'content', 'accent' ) ); $accent_default = '#cd2653'; // Header. $header_footer_background = sanitize_hex_color( twentytwenty_get_color_for_area( 'header-footer', 'background' ) ); $header_footer_background_default = '#ffffff'; // Cover. $cover = sanitize_hex_color( get_theme_mod( 'cover_template_overlay_text_color' ) ); $cover_default = '#ffffff'; // Background. $background = sanitize_hex_color_no_hash( get_theme_mod( 'background_color' ) ); $background_default = 'f5efe0'; ob_start(); /** * Note – Styles are applied in this order: * 1. Element specific * 2. Helper classes * * This enables all helper classes to overwrite base element styles, * meaning that any color classes applied in the block editor will * have a higher priority than the base element styles. */ // Front-End Styles. if ( 'front-end' === $type ) { // Auto-calculated colors. $elements_definitions = twentytwenty_get_elements_array(); foreach ( $elements_definitions as $context => $props ) { foreach ( $props as $key => $definitions ) { foreach ( $definitions as $property => $elements ) { /* * If we don't have an elements array or it is empty * then skip this iteration early; */ if ( ! is_array( $elements ) || empty( $elements ) ) { continue; } $val = twentytwenty_get_color_for_area( $context, $key ); if ( $val ) { twentytwenty_generate_css( implode( ',', $elements ), $property, $val ); } } } } if ( $cover && $cover !== $cover_default ) { twentytwenty_generate_css( '.overlay-header .header-inner', 'color', $cover ); twentytwenty_generate_css( '.cover-header .entry-header *', 'color', $cover ); } // Block Editor Styles. } elseif ( 'block-editor' === $type ) { // Colors. // Accent color. if ( $accent && $accent !== $accent_default ) { twentytwenty_generate_css( '.has-accent-color, .editor-styles-wrapper .editor-block-list__layout a, .editor-styles-wrapper .has-drop-cap:not(:focus)::first-letter, .editor-styles-wrapper .wp-block-button.is-style-outline .wp-block-button__link, .editor-styles-wrapper .wp-block-pullquote::before, .editor-styles-wrapper .wp-block-file .wp-block-file__textlink', 'color', $accent ); twentytwenty_generate_css( '.editor-styles-wrapper .wp-block-quote', 'border-color', $accent, '' ); twentytwenty_generate_css( '.has-accent-background-color, .editor-styles-wrapper .wp-block-button__link, .editor-styles-wrapper .wp-block-file__button', 'background-color', $accent ); } // Background color. if ( $background && $background !== $background_default ) { twentytwenty_generate_css( '.editor-styles-wrapper', 'background-color', '#' . $background ); twentytwenty_generate_css( '.has-background.has-primary-background-color:not(.has-text-color),.has-background.has-primary-background-color *:not(.has-text-color),.has-background.has-accent-background-color:not(.has-text-color),.has-background.has-accent-background-color *:not(.has-text-color)', 'color', '#' . $background ); } // Borders color. if ( $borders && $borders !== $borders_default ) { twentytwenty_generate_css( '.editor-styles-wrapper .wp-block-code, .editor-styles-wrapper pre, .editor-styles-wrapper .wp-block-preformatted pre, .editor-styles-wrapper .wp-block-verse pre, .editor-styles-wrapper fieldset, .editor-styles-wrapper .wp-block-table, .editor-styles-wrapper .wp-block-table *, .editor-styles-wrapper .wp-block-table.is-style-stripes, .editor-styles-wrapper .wp-block-latest-posts.is-grid li', 'border-color', $borders ); twentytwenty_generate_css( '.editor-styles-wrapper .wp-block-table caption, .editor-styles-wrapper .wp-block-table.is-style-stripes tbody tr:nth-child(odd)', 'background-color', $borders ); } // Text color. if ( $body && $body !== $body_default ) { twentytwenty_generate_css( 'body .editor-styles-wrapper, .editor-post-title__block .editor-post-title__input, .editor-post-title__block .editor-post-title__input:focus', 'color', $body ); } // Secondary color. if ( $secondary && $secondary !== $secondary_default ) { twentytwenty_generate_css( '.editor-styles-wrapper figcaption, .editor-styles-wrapper cite, .editor-styles-wrapper .wp-block-quote__citation, .editor-styles-wrapper .wp-block-quote cite, .editor-styles-wrapper .wp-block-quote footer, .editor-styles-wrapper .wp-block-pullquote__citation, .editor-styles-wrapper .wp-block-pullquote cite, .editor-styles-wrapper .wp-block-pullquote footer, .editor-styles-wrapper ul.wp-block-archives li, .editor-styles-wrapper ul.wp-block-categories li, .editor-styles-wrapper ul.wp-block-latest-posts li, .editor-styles-wrapper ul.wp-block-categories__list li, .editor-styles-wrapper .wp-block-latest-comments time, .editor-styles-wrapper .wp-block-latest-posts time', 'color', $secondary ); } // Header Footer Background Color. if ( $header_footer_background && $header_footer_background !== $header_footer_background_default ) { twentytwenty_generate_css( '.editor-styles-wrapper .wp-block-pullquote::before', 'background-color', $header_footer_background ); } } elseif ( 'classic-editor' === $type ) { // Colors. // Accent color. if ( $accent && $accent !== $accent_default ) { twentytwenty_generate_css( 'body#tinymce.wp-editor.content a, body#tinymce.wp-editor.content a:focus, body#tinymce.wp-editor.content a:hover', 'color', $accent ); twentytwenty_generate_css( 'body#tinymce.wp-editor.content blockquote, body#tinymce.wp-editor.content .wp-block-quote', 'border-color', $accent, '', ' !important' ); twentytwenty_generate_css( 'body#tinymce.wp-editor.content button, body#tinymce.wp-editor.content .faux-button, body#tinymce.wp-editor.content .wp-block-button__link, body#tinymce.wp-editor.content .wp-block-file__button, body#tinymce.wp-editor.content input[type=\'button\'], body#tinymce.wp-editor.content input[type=\'reset\'], body#tinymce.wp-editor.content input[type=\'submit\']', 'background-color', $accent ); } // Background color. if ( $background && $background !== $background_default ) { twentytwenty_generate_css( 'body#tinymce.wp-editor.content', 'background-color', '#' . $background ); } // Text color. if ( $body && $body !== $body_default ) { twentytwenty_generate_css( 'body#tinymce.wp-editor.content', 'color', $body ); } // Secondary color. if ( $secondary && $secondary !== $secondary_default ) { twentytwenty_generate_css( 'body#tinymce.wp-editor.content hr:not(.is-style-dots), body#tinymce.wp-editor.content cite, body#tinymce.wp-editor.content figcaption, body#tinymce.wp-editor.content .wp-caption-text, body#tinymce.wp-editor.content .wp-caption-dd, body#tinymce.wp-editor.content .gallery-caption', 'color', $secondary ); } // Borders color. if ( $borders && $borders !== $borders_default ) { twentytwenty_generate_css( 'body#tinymce.wp-editor.content pre, body#tinymce.wp-editor.content hr, body#tinymce.wp-editor.content fieldset,body#tinymce.wp-editor.content input, body#tinymce.wp-editor.content textarea', 'border-color', $borders ); } } // Return the results. return ob_get_clean(); } }